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EOL & PCN Notices

Adesto’s Conductive Bridging RAM (CBRAM) is breakthrough non-volatile memory technology that features significantly less energy consumption than today’s leading memories without sacrificing performance and reliability. With its unique combination of fast, low energy operation, CBRAM is an ideal match for Internet-of-Things and other energy-conscious applications.

Adesto’s CBRAM memory is created by applying fab-friendly, patented metallization and dielectric stack layers between standard CMOS interconnect metal layers (see Figures 1 and 3). The size of the memory cell is determined by the underlying access transistor. The result is a superior non-volatile memory (NVM) technology with long-term CMOS scalability. CBRAM technology can scale down with today’s CMOS technologies both physically as well as electrically.

CBRAM technology relies on electrochemical deposition and dissolution of a conductive link under the application of voltages and currents. This process produces huge changes in the resistance of the CBRAM storage element which is used to represent data. The conductive link is robust and can withstand high thermal stresses. A notable advantage is that the write operation in CBRAM bit-cells is very fast (<1us) compared to today’s Flash memory technologies (~1ms), and also does not require a bit to be pre-erased. This makes write operations on CBRAM products 20 times faster than Flash, while consuming 10 to 100 times less energy.

Adesto’s Strong Intellectual Property Position
Since 2007, Adesto Technologies has led the way in developing CBRAM technology and is recognized in the industry for its strong patent portfolio. Adesto has focused on taking CBRAM technology from lab to fab to market. Adesto’s know-how includes fundamental understanding of the physics, materials and designs required to productize resistive memory, and extensive experience with the ecosystem; from raw materials to finished device manufacturing.

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